The Four Aces

We're the Four Aces, an oldies band from Watertown, Minnesota.
Hi. I'm Josh Cleveland, the guitarist and lead vocalist in our band. I'll be leaving on June 4 to work at a fishing camp in Alaska, on the Mulchatna River.

Hey, this is Andy. I play the set in our band. I'm not much of a singer so I don't do much of that. After I graduate I am going to St. Cloud State University and major in Computer Science. I hope you like our stuff.

This is Darrick, I play the bass guitar in the band. I'm 16 and in 11th grade. I also play sax, me and Dan trade our intruments in one song. E-mail us and give us some suggestions about our page.

Dan here. I'm like the utility man in our band. I usually play sax but sometimes I also sing and play the guitar. You might even see me playing the bass on one song, although I won't embarrass myself on the drums. I'm a 17 yr. old junior and I hope you come hear us play sometime.

We've been playing together since the summer of '98.

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We like the 50's and 60's, but we also enjoy doing our own music.
All four of us enjoy snowboarding. Dan, Andy, and Darrick play baseball. We hope you'll E-mail us.

Favourite links

an awesome site with tons of free demos

The Dukes Brothers Home Page
a site with cool games, full version and demos

Top 100 guitar sites
Here's a cool site

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